Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Wolfe Family Night 2012
There was standing room only at Wolfe Street Academy's "Family Night" on November 27, 2012. Eighty adults and 56 as well as after-school students.
The event featured amazing performances by students in Wolfe Street Academy's After-School Program. The program is supported by a $127 grant from the Family League of Baltimore City, which was awarded to the Baltimore Curriculum Project in June 2012.
"I have never had a Family Night this large," said Director of Extended Student Services Kathy Stroup.
"The performances were wonderful. I owe this especially to the After-School staff who each had duties and responsibilities for the evening and went above and beyond to make Family Night a special evening."
Guest included Baltimore Curriculum Project Board Chair George Hess, as well as representatives from the Upper Fells Point Improvement Association, The Family League of Baltimore City, Mosaic Makers, and student volunteers from the Park School.
Thank you to Hyacinth Facey for creating this video.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Evaluating Teachers
By Jon McGill, Director of Academic Affairs, Baltimore Curriculum Project
In their 2009 book, The Fourth Way, Dennis Shirley and Andy Hargreaves describe the case of a primary (elementary) school in London that, ten years earlier, had been described as “one of the worst schools in Britain”. The solution to the school’s woes was to take the very best teachers, train them in test preparation techniques and set them loose on the children in Year 6, the group with the lowest scores, for three years. By ignoring test stage one, Year 2, and focusing exclusively on Year 6, the lower grades results got much worse while the older students results were much better. Hence the academic gap between year 2 and year six widened dramatically but the “improvement” in year six was huge, earning the school the tile of “one of the most improved schools in the United Kingdom”.
This Alice in Wonderland approach to educational reform, what Pasi Sahlberg in his book Finnish Lessons refers to as GERM (Global Education Reform Movement) is not new but now it seems ready to expand to the evaluation of teachers, as we prepare for the onslaught of rating teacher effectiveness by looking in large part at student test scores. In the United States, state after state, in a mad dash to tap into “Race To The Top” funds, has promised to evaluate teachers by reference to student results. While for some states the language is couched in terms of “measures of achievement”, seeming to open the door for authentic assessments via portfolios and growth assessments, in reality, the bottom line will be measuring teacher effectiveness through the prism of standardized test scores for at least 50% of the teacher’s final evaluation.
Finding the right way to evaluate a teacher has long been the Fountain of Youth, the Holy Grail of public education. Few, if any, countries have found successful and sustainable methods of rating teachers and measuring their capabilities. One reason for this is that the role of a teacher in the modern world has become increasingly complex and challenging. Ironically, at least in the U.S., this complexity is now accompanied by simplistic measures and bromides as to how to assess a teacher. The teacher role has been reduced to “test giver” and “test preparer”. That is the message behind the recent moves to use student test scores as a measure of performance for teachers. Justifications for this mind-numbingly absurd evaluation tactic comes in the form of analogies to the health system or to the legal profession: measurement by outcome. Unfortunately for the technocrats, such measurements ignore the complex context of teaching and learning completely. It is not a matter of input and output or of a formulaic “do this and that will happen” kind of thinking. Teaching and learning are two sides of a coin and the factors that motivate success are many and varied. Rating teachers by means of their test results will, minimally, produce the following ill effects while having no perceivable positive impact other than making it easier to dismiss those who don’t make the grade (or whose students don’t make the grade):
- Teachers will flock to the areas where test scores are highest, i.e. areas in which family income is high, socioeconomic indicators are positive and student behavioral issues are lowest. This will exacerbate an already growing problem for American urban districts, that of recruitment and retention of the highest quality teachers.
- Teachers will teach to the most successful students and try to factor out in any way possible those students with learning difficulties. This will be a disaster for special needs.
- Teachers can have great test scores but in every other way be inadequate role models for children: they can be cruel, disrespectful, uncaring about children and families but if their scores are good, they will thrive.
- The focus on scores will decimate professional development programs: why train yourself in any area other than test prep?
- Schools in high poverty areas will increasingly be staffed by neophytes: Teach For America educational missionaries and alternative certification graduates, many of whom will leave anyway after two years, will be the major source of staffing. We will see an increase in alternative certification programs, designed to circumvent both the colleges of education and the value of experience.
- The curriculum, already narrowed to the point where we cannot compete with other industrialized nations, will be squeezed even more. Art, music, drama, sports, and all the other valuable aspects of adolescent needs, will be dinosaurs seen only in the private sector.
There are more negative effects (see, for example, EPI Briefing Paper, August 29, 2010 “Problems WithThe Use of Test Scores To Evaluate Teachers”, Baker, Barton,, all
of which indicate that evaluating teachers by student test scores is a
harebrained idea concocted and supported
by folks with little or no real education backgrounds. Ironically, those teachers whose test scores
“measure up” will be the first to realize how incomplete and inaccurate their
ratings will be.
The race to measure teaching effectiveness was spurred, in 2009, by the Gates Foundation’s research and given the acronym MET. (Measures of Effective Teaching).* The basis for this study, and for much of our current perspective on school reform, is that teachers are the most important element in education, that poor school performance is a given in American public education and, therefore, poor teaching is rampant and we should develop new evaluation techniques, mainly to winnow the incompetent from the professional ranks. This reasoning is fallacious. There are undoubtedly poor teachers in our profession and certainly that contributes to our educational malaise. However, we already have many processes in place by which we can effectively move inept teachers out of the job. Of course, doing so requires documentation, a clearly agreed-upon process and a period of time, not least to allow a teacher to improve. Many reformers know this but what they are really aiming for is faster, less-process oriented ways to dismiss teachers, thereby also dismantling union protections. If we were really interested in fair, professional and meaningful teacher evaluation, we would be less mesmerized by test scores and much more focused on some of the following established ways to measure teacher effectiveness:
- Develop annual teacher portfolios, containing samples of lessons, examples of student work, evidence of professional development throughout the year and perhaps even surveys of student perspectives on lessons and work “products”;
- Create peer observation programs, based on established criteria and easily-analyzed checklists;
- Provide appropriate time for principals to complete accurate and thorough observations, including time to write exhaustively about what they know about each teacher’s performance.
- Create a national assessment team, modeled perhaps on the system in place in the United Kingdom, by which teachers can be evaluated on an annual basis.
- Ensure that every evaluation process includes ample written self-evaluation and professional development planning.
- Promote video- taping of classes as a component of assessments.
- Include age appropriate student surveys in evaluative process.
This kind of process would obviate the need for measuring
teachers by test scores and standardized test results. However, it obviously
takes the kind of components that historically the nation has not been willing
to provide, i.e., funding and time. It would also place evaluation on site, in
the schools, and in the hands of education professionals.
Evaluating teachers is getting a great deal of attention in
the context of educational reform, movements and this is as it should be. Will teacher quality issues and teacher
evaluation be a vehicle for teacher improvement, for professional development
and for a much needed national awareness of the complexity inherent in
developing fine teachers? Or will
evaluation be another stick with which to beat the profession? The answer will depend to a large extent on
teacher activism in the face of clumsy and ineffective evaluation schemes. It will also depend on the ways in which
competing definitions of reform hold sway and on, in a time of economic
hardship, how much genuine investment in teachers the nation is willing to
more information on the MET Project, developed in 2010, go to
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Roots&Shoots Makes Baltimore Better
By Jesenia Zavala, Student, Wolfe Street Academy
The Wolfe Street Academy Roots&Shoots Green Team is doing great projects. The team is fourth grade students in the after school program. The projects are about making the Earth better, helping people and helping our school. We are glad to be volunteering. We have been working really hard.
This month we are making food for the poor and for soldiers. This will help people. We also made posters so people will recycle more. We put the posters all over the school, and we make sure the classes have recycle boxes. We hope we can plant trees in the spring. Our school will be better because of the plants. We will do projects all year.
The Wolfe Street Academy Roots&Shoots Green Team is doing great projects. The team is fourth grade students in the after school program. The projects are about making the Earth better, helping people and helping our school. We are glad to be volunteering. We have been working really hard.
This month we are making food for the poor and for soldiers. This will help people. We also made posters so people will recycle more. We put the posters all over the school, and we make sure the classes have recycle boxes. We hope we can plant trees in the spring. Our school will be better because of the plants. We will do projects all year.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
City Springs Student Darren Meredith Speaks at National Philanthropy Day
City Springs Middle/Elementary School student Darren Meredith did an incredible job speaking before hundreds of attendees at AFP Maryland's National Philanthropy Day Awards Luncheon last Friday.
Friday, November 9, 2012
Why Wolfe Street Academy is the Best School in Baltimore
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Lettis Kelly Zavala, 5th Grader Wolfe Street Academy |
5th Grade Student, Wolfe Street Academy
Wolfe Street Academy is a great school. I have learned a lot. The teachers there care about us. They want you to learn and have a great education. The science teachers is fun. She teaches you many things. I learned about the Solar System and molecules. Two hundred kids go to Wolfe Street Academy (WSA). Mr. Kauffman is the ESOL teacher for Reading and Language Arts. Inn After School, he is the teacher for chess.
Ms. Byron helps out too. She comes to classes to see how the classes are acting. She does checkouts to see how you are doing. Mr. Gaither is the principal of the school. He watches out for us. WSA is a very good school. I wish I could stay there. If there were more grades, you would learn more.
WSA is the best school in Baltimore. In After School they teach you how to play instruments, how to make robots, do projects and make weight bridges.
They have good food for lunch. They take care of the children and are happy to have them. They also give you breakfast and lunch. WSA is a very good school so take your kids. I have been there since 4th grade. I have learned a lot in 4th grade. Those were the best 2 years of school. They don't just make you do work they let you have some fun too! The principal also jokes around sometimes.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
City Springs Eagles Participate in All State Middle School Combine
Four City Springs Eagles football players participated in the All-State Middle School Combine in Jessup, Maryland on October 28th. Two of the four players earned awards for Best Wide Receiver & Best Running Back.
The Middle School Combine offers youth football players from grades 6th-8th throughout the state an opportunity to be tested and evaluated by the top High School coaches from the region, searching for the next cream of the crop of talent; while also participating in an elite combine experience.
"A lot of great high school coaches were present," said City Springs Coach Antoine Lewis.
"Our boys got a lot of exposure and feedback."
The event was powered by Next Level Nation, a company that promotes character, discipline, and integrity in youth athletics.
Congratulations to our students and thank you to Next Level Nation for hosting this event. Special thanks to Coach Lewis for making the trip possible.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Bee-Fit Promotes Youth Fitness and Supports HHA PTO
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A Hampstead Hill Academy Student Participates in the Bee-Fit event to support the school's PTO. |
Article By Le’Kara Hebron
Student, Hampstead Hill Academy
An event called Bee-Fit was held for Hampstead Hill Academy on October 12, 2012 at Patterson Park. The purpose of the event was to help students get exercise while raising money for Hampstead Hill’s PTO. The program was created and run by the PTO staff.
All pre-K to eighth grade students participated in Bee-Fit. The participants ran laps for twenty minutes. After the twenty minutes, the participants went to get snacks. The adults called students over to different sports and exercises like soccer, sit-ups, hula hoops, badminton, trampolines, art, football, and potato sack racing.
When my friends and I ran laps, we ran 11 laps and had lots of fun. When we did the activities, we listened for the whistle, which let us know it was time to go to another activity. My favorite activities were soccer and the trampolines. Bee-Fit was very successful and a lot of fun!
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
City Springs Restorative Practices Featured in Ed Week
City Springs Middle/Elementary School's Restorative Practices implementation is featured in Education Week.
BCP brought Restorative Practices to the four BCP charter schools in 2007 with support from Open Society Institute-Baltimore and the Goldsmith Family Foundation as well as training from the International Institute for Restorative Practices (IIRP).
Hampstead Hill Academy recently received a grant from the Center for Dispute Resolution at the University of Maryland School of Law to support their implementation of IIRP’s Safer Saner Schools Whole School Change program.
Read the article at:
BCP brought Restorative Practices to the four BCP charter schools in 2007 with support from Open Society Institute-Baltimore and the Goldsmith Family Foundation as well as training from the International Institute for Restorative Practices (IIRP).
Hampstead Hill Academy recently received a grant from the Center for Dispute Resolution at the University of Maryland School of Law to support their implementation of IIRP’s Safer Saner Schools Whole School Change program.
Read the article at:
Classroom Organization and Behavior Management
Article by Jon McGill
Director of Academic Affairs
Baltimore Curriculum Project
The classroom is part of the curriculum, part of the school culture and a contributing factor in creating school climate. The layouts, the décor, the seating arrangements, the pathways inside the room, the lighting, all of these tell students something about how you will manage the learning that occurs in your room. You are reflected in your classroom: your style, your objectives and your intentions are visible through this prism.
Do you have wall decorations and charts? Are they new or old, clean or dirty? Are they inspiring and do you refer to them? Do they “speak” to your students? Are they alive or dead? How do you arrange seats? Almost any seating plan is fine as long as it has intentions. Have you created walking paths; will you have ease of access to all parts of the room? Is the seating flexible in that you can have rows or groups; can you move things at a moment’s notice, if you wish?
Do you greet students at the door? Are you in the room before they arrive? Teachers should try to be affable, friendly, willing to behave as if they are thrilled to see the students (even when that might be a stretch!) What is your “ready to learn” indicator? Do you have a “do now” piece? Is there a journal entry piece, some engaging activity that signals to the students that class has begun and that you are waiting for them to meet expectations? You can use overhead projectors or hard copies for this, or a Smart board. In the olden days, pre-technology, I used my attendance book as the indicator that we were beginning: calling out the first name signaled “let’s go” and it helped me establish routines. Some teachers use music to get this starting signal: I know one person who uses a harmonica! You can raise a curtain, use hand signals, be as individual as you like just so long as the starting sign works. Sometimes I used a puzzle placed upon their desks as a signal to start thinking about the project ahead. I took many of Edward DeBono’s Lateral Thinking riddles and shared them with kids, who rapidly became addicted and clamored for such puzzles each week.
Your classroom is a home away from home, not just for you but for your students. That’s why you will often see classrooms with armchairs, plants and flowers, even curtains and lamps brought from a teacher’s home, all designed to undercut the institutional feel that many classrooms might otherwise have.
Another message we send, as teachers, is contained in the housekeeping aspect of classrooms. When I see a room with torn papers on the floor, broken chairs or desks, torn displays or other signs of either neglect or indifference, it sends a signal of dysfunction. It is easy, then, to make the leap from appearances to the actuality: poor academic results, misbehaving children, ineffective teaching. Classrooms that are in poor condition and visually lack care and concern usually indicate poor oversight from the administration.
The appearance of a classroom matters and so, too, does the behavior of children. We are not just in search of decorum or of “middle class standards”, one size fits all impositions. We look for behavior that is conducive to learning and to effective teaching. That requires a certain level of order, a certainty that there is control by the teacher, and a certainty that children have been taught what it is that we require for such effectiveness.
The two most difficult aspects of behavior management are the implementation of a consistent approach by the teacher and remembering that students need to be taught behavior just as much as they need to be taught any other subject in the curriculum. Students come from diverse environments, backgrounds, cultures and learning experiences: our task is to unify disparate children into a cohesive class, one that understands formats, guidelines and rules. There is no substitute, at least in public, inner city schools, for this. “Discovery” methods might work in mono-cultural, economically affluent schools where a free-flowing environment is applicable to small class sizes. However, when we deal with larger groups and great diversity, the children benefit most when a structured, engaging and reliable behavioral framework allows students to be at their best.
Children need guidance: if you want them to enter the classroom in a specific way, teach that way. If you expect them to work in groups, teach them how to do that in ways that favor effective experiences; if you want them to leave the room in a specific pattern, teach the pattern, and remember that they will need to practice these patterns so they become habits. Such habits become the backbone of instruction!
The Baltimore Curriculum Project works with its teachers frequently on these topics. Our coaching methods are designed to enhance both classroom organization and behavior management, not least because both of these aspects of teaching and learning are fundamental to overall school success.
Director of Academic Affairs
Baltimore Curriculum Project
The classroom is part of the curriculum, part of the school culture and a contributing factor in creating school climate. The layouts, the décor, the seating arrangements, the pathways inside the room, the lighting, all of these tell students something about how you will manage the learning that occurs in your room. You are reflected in your classroom: your style, your objectives and your intentions are visible through this prism.
Do you have wall decorations and charts? Are they new or old, clean or dirty? Are they inspiring and do you refer to them? Do they “speak” to your students? Are they alive or dead? How do you arrange seats? Almost any seating plan is fine as long as it has intentions. Have you created walking paths; will you have ease of access to all parts of the room? Is the seating flexible in that you can have rows or groups; can you move things at a moment’s notice, if you wish?
Do you greet students at the door? Are you in the room before they arrive? Teachers should try to be affable, friendly, willing to behave as if they are thrilled to see the students (even when that might be a stretch!) What is your “ready to learn” indicator? Do you have a “do now” piece? Is there a journal entry piece, some engaging activity that signals to the students that class has begun and that you are waiting for them to meet expectations? You can use overhead projectors or hard copies for this, or a Smart board. In the olden days, pre-technology, I used my attendance book as the indicator that we were beginning: calling out the first name signaled “let’s go” and it helped me establish routines. Some teachers use music to get this starting signal: I know one person who uses a harmonica! You can raise a curtain, use hand signals, be as individual as you like just so long as the starting sign works. Sometimes I used a puzzle placed upon their desks as a signal to start thinking about the project ahead. I took many of Edward DeBono’s Lateral Thinking riddles and shared them with kids, who rapidly became addicted and clamored for such puzzles each week.
Your classroom is a home away from home, not just for you but for your students. That’s why you will often see classrooms with armchairs, plants and flowers, even curtains and lamps brought from a teacher’s home, all designed to undercut the institutional feel that many classrooms might otherwise have.
Another message we send, as teachers, is contained in the housekeeping aspect of classrooms. When I see a room with torn papers on the floor, broken chairs or desks, torn displays or other signs of either neglect or indifference, it sends a signal of dysfunction. It is easy, then, to make the leap from appearances to the actuality: poor academic results, misbehaving children, ineffective teaching. Classrooms that are in poor condition and visually lack care and concern usually indicate poor oversight from the administration.
The appearance of a classroom matters and so, too, does the behavior of children. We are not just in search of decorum or of “middle class standards”, one size fits all impositions. We look for behavior that is conducive to learning and to effective teaching. That requires a certain level of order, a certainty that there is control by the teacher, and a certainty that children have been taught what it is that we require for such effectiveness.
The two most difficult aspects of behavior management are the implementation of a consistent approach by the teacher and remembering that students need to be taught behavior just as much as they need to be taught any other subject in the curriculum. Students come from diverse environments, backgrounds, cultures and learning experiences: our task is to unify disparate children into a cohesive class, one that understands formats, guidelines and rules. There is no substitute, at least in public, inner city schools, for this. “Discovery” methods might work in mono-cultural, economically affluent schools where a free-flowing environment is applicable to small class sizes. However, when we deal with larger groups and great diversity, the children benefit most when a structured, engaging and reliable behavioral framework allows students to be at their best.
Children need guidance: if you want them to enter the classroom in a specific way, teach that way. If you expect them to work in groups, teach them how to do that in ways that favor effective experiences; if you want them to leave the room in a specific pattern, teach the pattern, and remember that they will need to practice these patterns so they become habits. Such habits become the backbone of instruction!
The Baltimore Curriculum Project works with its teachers frequently on these topics. Our coaching methods are designed to enhance both classroom organization and behavior management, not least because both of these aspects of teaching and learning are fundamental to overall school success.
City Springs and Hampstead Hill Victorious at BUDL Tournament
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Students from City Springs Elementary/Middle School |
Baltimore Urban Debate League’s first EMS tournament took place on Saturday, October 6, 2012 at Carver Vo-Tech High School. They had over 150 students in attendance with a lot of support from parents, friends and community members.
Every team competed with much passion and the rankings were extremely close, but Hampstead Hill and City Springs were the major victors.
Although the excitement around the start of a new school year might have quieted down, the excitement and anticipation of a new competitive debate season was in full effect as the beaming smiles on the faces of our student debaters lasted throughout the day. Overall, the speeches presented were very impressive!
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Sun Education Reporter Erica Green Visits Hampstead Hill Academy
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Baltimore Sun Education Reporter Erica L. Green |
Erica explained how she goes through the writing process with each story. She described how it can be frustrating to make multiple revisions of a piece, but that she knows it is worth it because it will result in the best version of her story. Erica answered numerous student questions. Ms. White and her class thoroughly enjoyed meeting Erica and learning from her.
We would like to thank Erica for taking the time to meet with our students.
Read blog posts by Erica Green on Inside Ed:
Follow Erica Green on Twitter:
Friday, October 5, 2012
Koli Tengella and Muriel Berkeley on Marc Steiner Show
On October 2, 2012 local filmmaker, actor, and Collington Square School of the Arts theater arts instructor Koli Tengella appeared on the Marc Steiner Show to talk about his latest film about bullying called We Got This: Be Inspired and B-More.
Koli was joined by Dr. Muriel Berkeley, Founder and former President of the Baltimore Curriculum Project; Ms. Sabriyah Hassen, Site Manager for Elev8 Baltimore at the Collington Square School of the Arts; and some of his students.
The film will be screened on Sunday, October 7, at The Central Branch of the Enoch Pratt Free Library.
Listen to the segment atL
City Springs Student in Baltimore Business Journal
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Photo by Nicholas Griner - Vincent F. Connelly with
eighth-grader Kevin Davis at City Springs School in Baltimore. |
City Springs Elementary/Middle School eighth-grader Kevin Davis appears with Vincent F. Connelly, President of Connelly & Associates Fundraising, in the latest issue of the Baltimore Business Journal.
Kevin Davis is the quarterback for the City Springs Eagles tackle football team, which recently bested the Calvert School 38-0
Vince Connelly conducted the planning study for the City Springs Community Athletic Complex project and serves on the campaign steering committee.Vince provides a range of services to philanthropic causes including feasibility studies, major gift and capital campaign coordination, and on-site consulting services.
Read the BBJ article:
How to Evaluate and Support Great Teachers 9/27/12 (playlist)
On Thursday, September 27, 2012 at Loyola University Maryland, the Baltimore Curriculum Project, Loyola University Maryland School of Education, and Urbanite Magazine hosted a forum to explore strategies to evaluate and support teachers including value-added measures, performance pay, and Peer Assisted Review.
Panelists included Dr. Andy Hargreaves (Thomas More Brennan Chair, Lynch School of Education, Boston College), Doug Prouty (President, Montgomery County Education Association) and Dr. Robert W. Simmons III (Assistant Professor, Teacher Education Department, Loyola University Maryland). Marc Steiner, host of The Marc Steiner Show on WEAA 88.9 FM, will serve as moderator.
This was the sixth forum in the Baltimore Curriculum Project's Leading Minds educational speaker series. For more information
Collington Square School of the Arts at 2012 Baltimore Book Fair
On Friday September 28th the Collington Square School of the Arts Drum Line, led by Josh Soto, and Collington Square's Theater Arts students, led by Koli Tengella, performed at the Baltimore Book Festival. Thank you to the Baltimore City Schools Office of Humanities for providing transportation for the students.
Collington Square School Artists Featured in City Paper
Street Smart
Collington Square middle school students engage their community with street art
Photo by Rarah - Street artist gaia helps a student at The Collington Square School paste an image of herself on a vacant building. |
Half a dozen kids sit on the stoop of a vacant house on Federal Avenue, down the street from Collington Square, in East Baltimore at 10 A.M.
on a bright and sunny school day. Though images of truancy-court
graduation ceremonies flash across a TV screen inside the front door of
the Collington Square School, these kids aren’t cutting class. Instead,
they’re talking about the street-art pieces they created as part of a
summer program with the Creative Alliance.
Six years ago, the Creative Alliance began working with a number of Baltimore schools to help make up for cuts in arts programs.
“It was focused on skill building, helping them build up their portfolios for an art-based school,” Karen Summerville, Creative Alliance’s education coordinator, says. But this year’s class used a combination of photography and street art to allow the students to try to make an impact in their community.
“We wanted them to encourage the kids to take risks,” Summerville says. “Street art is seen as risky and negative, but we wanted to make it positive. They are beautifying the neighborhood and it allows them to send a message.”
Street art is seemingly ubiquitous in Baltimore now, not only as a reality of urban life but also as a tool for social improvement and beautification. The Open Walls project in Station North has been touted by community organizations and the mayor’s office. But because there can still be that negative association, it was important to teach the students about the history of street art and what it means.
“Remember when we first started talking about street art?” asks Ryan Stevenson, one of the photographers working with the students. (Disclosure: Stevenson frequently shoots for City Paper as “Rarah.”)
“You’re talking about that man with the hole in the wall.”
“And where was that, do you remember?” asks Amelia Szpiech, a recent MICA grad and photographer, who also taught the students this summer.
“There was a war,” a young girl named Deveonna Pierce says. “Maybe he wanted to go to the beach but he couldn’t.”
“And why not?” Szpiech asks.
“Because there is a war.”
“And do you remember the artist?” Stevenson inquires.
“His name is Banksy.”
The kids all smile and nod as they recall the image and the name of one of the most famous street artists in the world. But they are here to talk about their own photography-based projects.
“When we taught photos in the winter, street art came up in a direct connection with photography,” Szpiech says. “Then we saw it was a way to let the kids be an important part of the neighborhood.”
So, this summer, they set out to combine the two, using wheatpaste to hang printed images on the boarded-up windows of derelict houses.
They set up a photography studio in the classroom and, as Stevenson puts it, “gave them tons of experience of photos.”
“I learned how to work a camera,” says Marquise Lowrey. “How to steady it, how to zoom, how to take good pictures.”
Then they went to photograph monuments all over town. Next, they asked the students that age-old question: What do you want to be when you grow up? But when they got the standard answers—doctor, teacher, lawyer—they asked the students what people in these professions would look like. They dressed the students in adult-sized clothes to “insinuate what they would grow into,” Stevenson says. With the help of Szpiech and Stevenson, the kids photographed each other in these overgrown outfits, heads held high with pride, looking out into the distance of the future.
The Collington Kids (as they were known by their art teachers) all chose the base of the monument they felt best suited their desires for the future and their images were set upon the pedestal. “The pictures are about yourself, so you can express your feelings,” a boy named Christopher Yancey says.
“It shows who you are and what you want to be,” Deveonna adds through a wad of chewing gum and a big grin. “It helps you be who you want to be.”
Finally, one day in August, when all of the images had been printed as 3-by-7-feet black-and-white images, the renowned local street artist and curator of the Open Walls project, Gaia, came out to spend a day helping them hang the pictures on the boarded windows of abandoned houses.
“We didn’t find out who owned the buildings, but we asked the neighbors who live beside them, and they loved it,” Stevenson said.
“They’d come out and spend the whole time with us, having fun with the kids,” Szpiech adds. One neighbor came out when they were looking at the pictures, and a shy little girl ran up and threw her arms around the woman’s waist.
There is still plenty of debate about the overall effects of street art on at-risk communities. But here, in East Baltimore, it has helped each of these students share a more meaningful connection with their community and gain a better understanding of themselves. And like adult artists, some are already looking forward to the next project.
“I want to do it in color,” Jade Taylor says. “And I want to put some of these in the magazine I’m going to make.”
Six years ago, the Creative Alliance began working with a number of Baltimore schools to help make up for cuts in arts programs.
“It was focused on skill building, helping them build up their portfolios for an art-based school,” Karen Summerville, Creative Alliance’s education coordinator, says. But this year’s class used a combination of photography and street art to allow the students to try to make an impact in their community.
“We wanted them to encourage the kids to take risks,” Summerville says. “Street art is seen as risky and negative, but we wanted to make it positive. They are beautifying the neighborhood and it allows them to send a message.”
Street art is seemingly ubiquitous in Baltimore now, not only as a reality of urban life but also as a tool for social improvement and beautification. The Open Walls project in Station North has been touted by community organizations and the mayor’s office. But because there can still be that negative association, it was important to teach the students about the history of street art and what it means.
“Remember when we first started talking about street art?” asks Ryan Stevenson, one of the photographers working with the students. (Disclosure: Stevenson frequently shoots for City Paper as “Rarah.”)
“You’re talking about that man with the hole in the wall.”
“And where was that, do you remember?” asks Amelia Szpiech, a recent MICA grad and photographer, who also taught the students this summer.
“There was a war,” a young girl named Deveonna Pierce says. “Maybe he wanted to go to the beach but he couldn’t.”
“And why not?” Szpiech asks.
“Because there is a war.”
“And do you remember the artist?” Stevenson inquires.
“His name is Banksy.”
The kids all smile and nod as they recall the image and the name of one of the most famous street artists in the world. But they are here to talk about their own photography-based projects.
“When we taught photos in the winter, street art came up in a direct connection with photography,” Szpiech says. “Then we saw it was a way to let the kids be an important part of the neighborhood.”
So, this summer, they set out to combine the two, using wheatpaste to hang printed images on the boarded-up windows of derelict houses.
They set up a photography studio in the classroom and, as Stevenson puts it, “gave them tons of experience of photos.”
“I learned how to work a camera,” says Marquise Lowrey. “How to steady it, how to zoom, how to take good pictures.”
Then they went to photograph monuments all over town. Next, they asked the students that age-old question: What do you want to be when you grow up? But when they got the standard answers—doctor, teacher, lawyer—they asked the students what people in these professions would look like. They dressed the students in adult-sized clothes to “insinuate what they would grow into,” Stevenson says. With the help of Szpiech and Stevenson, the kids photographed each other in these overgrown outfits, heads held high with pride, looking out into the distance of the future.
The Collington Kids (as they were known by their art teachers) all chose the base of the monument they felt best suited their desires for the future and their images were set upon the pedestal. “The pictures are about yourself, so you can express your feelings,” a boy named Christopher Yancey says.
“It shows who you are and what you want to be,” Deveonna adds through a wad of chewing gum and a big grin. “It helps you be who you want to be.”
Finally, one day in August, when all of the images had been printed as 3-by-7-feet black-and-white images, the renowned local street artist and curator of the Open Walls project, Gaia, came out to spend a day helping them hang the pictures on the boarded windows of abandoned houses.
“We didn’t find out who owned the buildings, but we asked the neighbors who live beside them, and they loved it,” Stevenson said.
“They’d come out and spend the whole time with us, having fun with the kids,” Szpiech adds. One neighbor came out when they were looking at the pictures, and a shy little girl ran up and threw her arms around the woman’s waist.
There is still plenty of debate about the overall effects of street art on at-risk communities. But here, in East Baltimore, it has helped each of these students share a more meaningful connection with their community and gain a better understanding of themselves. And like adult artists, some are already looking forward to the next project.
“I want to do it in color,” Jade Taylor says. “And I want to put some of these in the magazine I’m going to make.”
Email Baynard Woods
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
BCP Participates in Project CYCLE
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(l to r) UVA Curry School of Education Research Scientist Sharon Deal; BCP Academic Coach Sue Lattimore; and Wolfe Street Staff Developer Rosemary Byron |
The Baltimore Curriculum Project is participating in Project CYCLE; a project focused on the engagement of teachers and mentors in the cycle of development through the use of innovative technology and research-based mentoring/coaching methods.
On Monday Wolfe Street Staff Developer Rosemary Byron and BCP Academic Coach Sue Lattimore met with Sharon Deal, a Research Scientist from the University of Virginia's Curry School of Education and one of the coordinators of Project CYCLE, for their initial round of mentor/coach training.
Project CYCLE is sponsored by the Baltimore City Schools Office of Teacher Support & Development and is being implemented with the support of thereNow, PD360, and the University of Virginia’s Curry School of Education.
Baltimore City Schools has procured a small number of thereNow’s LiveView cameras and the IRIS Connect online platform, which allow instructional coaches to observe teachers remotely. The iris LiveView camera enables an instructional coach to see and hear at a level of detail that even an in-person observation couldn't provide.
iris LiveView gives a remote observer full control of the camera from anywhere in the world, in real-time. That means that with only a computer and an internet connection, an instructional coach can see every corner of a room and hear high definition audio.
These tools will allow participating teachers and mentors to more fully engage in the cycle of development through video capture, review, reflection, and feedback on classroom instruction.
In concert with the thereNow’s LiveView camera and IRIS Connect online platform, participating teachers will engage in the University Of Virginia Curry School Of Education’s My Teaching Partner (MTP) coaching cycle. This component of the project will guide mentors in the use of prompts, protocols, and action plans as they provide meaningful feedback to teachers.
Finally, teachers will also have the opportunity to share their video through PD360, an online platform for sharing video with other teachers in the district.
Together these supports are designed to improve teaching and learning in the district; including, but not limited to, improved instruction, classroom management, teacher retention, mentoring, and student outcomes.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Egyptian Educators Visit Collington Square School
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Educators from Egypt with BCP Director of Training Tara Anderson (third from left) |
BCP Director of Academic Affairs Jon McGill, BCP Director of Training Tara Anderson, and BCP Executive Vice President Larry Schugam talked with the group about BCP's approach to instruction, training, coaching, behavior management, and resource development.
The teachers were especially interested in BCP's use of the CHAMPS curriculum for classroom management and Restorative Practices for conflict resolution. One teacher even asked Ms. Anderson if she would come to Egypt to provide CHAMPS training for her school.
The school tour included visits to Phyllis Wyman's sixth grade language arts class and Andrew Gorby's fifth grade mathematics class. The group also caught a Restorative Circle led by Restorative Practices Facilitor Kevin Bevacqua in action. Mr. Bevacqua was helping two students resolve a conflict so that they could return to class.
We would like to thank Ms. Heba Tahseen Mohamed, Dr. Osama Mohamed, Mr. Hamada Ahmed Fahmy E-Farargy, Ms. Abeer Atif Mohamed El Galfy, Ms. Hoda Kasem, and Mr. Marwa Salama for visiting our school. We would like to thank the World Trade Center Institute (WTCI) and Janine Downey, WTCI Manager for International Visitors and Client Services, for organizing the visit.
About the World Trade Center Institute
The World Trade Center Institute (WTCI) is the largest international business network of its kind in the Mid-Atlantic – a who’s who of the top global business executives in the region. At WTCI we strive to drive the growth of Maryland’s flourishing global business community. Today more than 2,500 Maryland firms benefit from WTCI’s global connections, events, and extensive international business services. WTCI was established in 1989. Financed jointly by area businesses and the State of Maryland, WTCI operates as a private, non-profit membership organization. For more information visit:
Friday, September 14, 2012
Chat n' Chew Supports Professional Learning Community
On Tuesday the Baltimore Curriculum Project and Wolfe Street Academy hosted the first after-school Chat and Chew. Melissa Anderson, Dawn Burks, Jovan Campbell, and Terry Houck participated in this opportunity to practice Direct Instruction instructional delivery, signals and corrections.
The weekly sessions are being organized by Wolfe Street Staff Developer Rosemary Byron and BCP Academic Coach Sue Lattimore. During Tuesday's session the teachers were very engaged in the discussion and practice, and shared some of the good ideas that are working in their classrooms. For example, Terry Houck showed how she uses a ring of "Equity Chips" to keep the students attentive during individual turns.
These teachers have taken an active role in their development as professional educators and plan to continue to join these sessions, which will be held every Tuesday from 3:00pm - 4:00pm, throughout the fall semester.
The weekly sessions are being organized by Wolfe Street Staff Developer Rosemary Byron and BCP Academic Coach Sue Lattimore. During Tuesday's session the teachers were very engaged in the discussion and practice, and shared some of the good ideas that are working in their classrooms. For example, Terry Houck showed how she uses a ring of "Equity Chips" to keep the students attentive during individual turns.
These teachers have taken an active role in their development as professional educators and plan to continue to join these sessions, which will be held every Tuesday from 3:00pm - 4:00pm, throughout the fall semester.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Collington Square Miracle Growers Beautify School
On August 21, 2012, The Collington Square Miracle Growers planted a beautiful garden at the entrance of Collington Square School of the Arts. The project was sponsored by the 4-H Club and Elev8 Baltimore .
Four Collington Square families planted the garden:
- Afiya Smith (parent), Krysten Myers (7th grade, Collington Square School of the Arts), Kevin Myers (6th grade, Collington ), and Kyron Myers (6th grade, Collington)
- Latarsha Fowkles (parent), Michael Harris (8th grade, Collington), and Ja'Audra Jones (Dayspring Head Start)
- Wanda Gary (parent), Keywona Gary (9th grade, Mervo High School), Keisha Gary (8th grade, Collington), Dominique Gary (5th grade, Collington), and Keyvon Gary (1st grade, Collington)
- Lesslie Tucker (parent), Sabriaya Shipley (11th grade, Institute of Notre Dame), Shanika Brown (10th grade, Vivien T. Thomas Medical Arts Academy), Toni Brown (8th grade, Collington), and Anthony Battle (4th grade, Collington)
Friday, August 31, 2012
SOURCE Donates Supplies to BCP Schools
SOURCE has donated all of the school supplies from their annual School Supply Drive to benefit the over 2,000 students attending BCP's four neighborhood charter schools. Between August 13th and August 24th Johns Hopkins students, staff, and faculty members filled donation boxes in the School of Public Health, the SOURCE offices, and the School of Nursing with 474 much need supplies including notebooks, pens, binders, book bags, pencils, and art supplies.
This drive was co-sponsored by the Green Student Group and the Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing. We would like to thank SOURCE, the Green Student Group, and the Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing for supporting our schools. Special thanks to SOURCE Founder and Director Mindi Levin and SOURCE Assistant Director Noah Smock.
The Student Outreach Resource Center (SOURCE) is the community service and service-learning center for the Bloomberg School, the School of Medicine and the School of Nursing at Johns Hopkins University. SOURCE provides academic, professional and personal development opportunities through community outreach and service-learning partnerships with community-based organizations. For more information visit:
Bryn Mawr and Safe and Sound Support BCP Sports
The Bryn Mawr School and Baltimore's Safe and Sound Campaign have donated a wealth of sports equipment to BCP's four neighborhood charter schools. The donation included 8 tennis rackets, 10 volley balls, 2 portable nets, over 100 tennis balls, and other items. We would like to thank The Bryn Mawr School and Baltimore's Safe and Sound Campaign for supporting our students. Special thanks to Bryn Mawr's Athletic Director Wendy S. Kridel and Safe and Sound's Director of Youth Recreational Opportunities Tim Almaguer for coordinating the donation.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Collington Square School June 2012 Newsletter
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Ms. Kelley's class shakes up bags of trail mix as part of the 2012 Healthy Foods Challenge |
This edition features:
- Fulfilling the Promise Mentoring Group
- Students Perform at 4H Youth Expo
- 2012 Healthy Food Challenge
- Battle of the Brains
BWGC Supports Wolfe Street Academy
The Baltimore Women's Giving Circle (BWGC) of the Baltimore Community Foundation has awarded the Baltimore Curriculum Project a grant of $12,180 to support Wolfe Street Academy's After School Academics Program. The program serves 75 children in grades 1-5, with three classes per week in reading, math, science and social studies.
Through collective giving and collaboration, The Baltimore Women’s Giving Circle seeks to improve life for disadvantaged women and their families in the greater Baltimore area. BWGC is a fund of the Baltimore Community Foundation We would like to thank BWGC for supporting our students.
For more information visit:
Through collective giving and collaboration, The Baltimore Women’s Giving Circle seeks to improve life for disadvantaged women and their families in the greater Baltimore area. BWGC is a fund of the Baltimore Community Foundation We would like to thank BWGC for supporting our students.
For more information visit:
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
SquashWise Selects City Springs as New Partner
SquashWise has selected City Springs Elementary/Middle School as their new school partner. SquashWise is a unique youth development program providing long-term academic and social support to public school students in Baltimore City, combining intensive academic tutoring with instruction in the sport of squash.
This college access program uses squash opportunities to motivate students and open doors for their future, both academically and athletically. Short-term goals include improved grades, academic effort,fitness and nutrition. Long-term goals are to ensure 100% high school graduation and to support college completion and life planning.
We would like to thank Squashwise for providing our students with this amazing opportunity. For more information visit:
This college access program uses squash opportunities to motivate students and open doors for their future, both academically and athletically. Short-term goals include improved grades, academic effort,fitness and nutrition. Long-term goals are to ensure 100% high school graduation and to support college completion and life planning.
We would like to thank Squashwise for providing our students with this amazing opportunity. For more information visit:
Monday, August 13, 2012
City Springs Football Team Visits FSU
City Springs Elementary/Middle School's new middle grades tackle football team visited Frostburg State University on Friday, August 10th. They practiced with the football team and toured the university. City Springs Head Coach and para professional Antoine Lewis organized the trip. It was a great day for the kids. They were very impressed with the facilities at the University and thrilled to practice with a college team! We'd like to thank Frostburg State University for giving our kids this amazing opportunity.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
John Boulton on Public Education in the UK
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John Boulton |
What is the purpose of public education?
I would agree with a previous contributor who suggested that ‘the purpose of any education is to enrich the lives of students and develop in them the tools that they will need to be active, critical, and contributing members of society’, but I would also add that it should be about helping each individual achieve their full potential. The challenge for public education (state education in the UK), is that it needs to be made available to everyone and that there are conflicting demands and expectations. An additional and increasingly important factor is that of public finances.
There is a constant debate as to what direction the curriculum should take. For many years employers have been complaining that some school leavers have not reached the standards which enable them to function effectively in the workplace, thereby, impacting upon their employability. A similar claim, albeit at a higher level, has been made by various universities. The alternative camp argue that education should have wider horizons and is not only about future employment prospects as that would be also be achieved.
Since the introduction of the ‘comprehensive school’ system in the 1960’s, education has been a political issue both at a national level as well as local level, and as a result, a consistent and cohesive approach has not been achieved.
In my role as Director of Training and Consultancy for the International Institute for Restorative practices I visit many schools in different parts of the country and at times, the contrasts can be stark. The recent ‘Building Schools for the Future’ programme created some ultra modern schools with fantastic facilities that would not look out of place in a modern business environment. At the other extreme, pupils are being taught in poorly maintained buildings that house equally poor resources. Whilst quality education is not just about the environment it must have some impact upon both the pupils and staff.
How does your country measure school success and hold schools accountable for educating students effectively?
Again, the answer is not straightforward. At the national level the answer to both parts of the question would be Ofsted and ‘league tables’. Ofsted is the process under which Inspectors visit a school for a number of days to; observe lessons, interview staff and pupils, gather information from parents and review all of these findings against the schools’ self evaluation. How this works seems to be subject to constant change, the most recent being that the notice to schools for the inspection is to be reduced to about 24 hours.
Over the years, and often in association with a change of government, the emphasis on, and benchmarking of standards, has also change.
League tables that provide an overview of pupil / school performances in the main subject at the various key stages of education receive a mixed reception. They are regarded by some as an effective way of ensuring that a school concentrates on achieving good results in the key subject areas, whilst others think that they merely reflect the catchment areas of the school, and as such, some schools are almost destined to appear to perform poorly.
How do the schools in your country address the impact of poverty on education?
Overall, schools are very aware of the socio-economic levels which prevail in their local area and attempt to meet the challenges in a variety of ways. For example, ‘Breakfast Clubs’ are popular and essential in some areas. Additional finances are made available from different sources and this translates into the deployment of additional staff and / or resources. A recent development has been the introduction of a system whereby schools receive a relatively large amount of money for each pupil on their register who is receiving free school meals. How the money is used is then left to the individual schools.
How do we educate children to become citizens of a global community instead of merely competitors in a global economy?
Having recently looked at over 600 school websites it was very clear that some schools actively encouraged their pupils to widen their horizons and engage with the ‘global community’. There is much evidence of schools linking with establishments in different parts of the world, supporting charities and projects abroad and in some cases, arranging visits and exchanges. Those pupils who are involved in these projects must develop a greater understanding of global issues, however, the current worldwide economic problems are likely to have a ‘pull’ in the opposite direction.
The British have acquired an unenviable international reputation for being poor at learning other languages and this is now being viewed as having a detrimental impact upon our ability to promote international trade. The government has just released plans to ensure that the teaching of languages is given a higher profile and age related targets are to be introduced.
There is little doubt that at the moment, we are all in state of financial and economic uncertainty. Given these circumstances the tendency is for individuals, organisations and countries to become more insular. How this all unfolds over the next decade will be interesting and difficult to predict.
Ravens ACT Foundation Supports BCP Sports
We would like to thank the Baltimore Ravens All Community Team Foundation (RACTF) for awarding the Baltimore Curriculum Project a generous Ravens Plan in Motion grant of $4,950. This grant will help support the Patterson Park Elementary Soccer League and the BCP/Patterson Park Tennis League.
The Ravens Plan in Motion project provides grants of up to $5,000 to qualifying nonprofit organizations that create and/or continue programs or projects promoting physical fitness and nutrition education. The RACTF is committed to improving, encouraging, and enabling the healthy development of youth in the Baltimore area, as well as other parts of the state of Maryland.
The Patterson Park Elementary Soccer League started in 2007 as a one-school clinic and has grown into a league serving approximately 205 students from seven Southeast Baltimore public schools. Participating schools include the four BCP charter schools, Patterson Public Charter School, Highlandtown Elementary #237 and, beginning in fall 2012, Highlandtown Elementary #215. The league will meet twice a week for eight weeks in the fall of 2012 and will serve children in grades 2-5. Games will take place in Patterson Park.
The BCP/Patterson Park Tennis League began in spring 2012 as a partnership with the U.S. Tennis Association (USTA) and Baltimore’s Safe and Sound Campaign. USTA chose to work with BCP schools and Patterson Park Public Charter School because of the successful Patterson Park Soccer League model. During 2012, over 100 students from four schools participated in the tennis league twice a week for four weeks.
During spring 2013, City Springs School, Collington Square School, Hampstead Hill Academy, Patterson Park Public Charter School and Wolfe Street Academy will participate in another four-week league. The program will serve 160 mostly African American and Hispanic-American students in grades 3-6 from low-income families.
For more information about the Ravens ACT Foundation visit:
Congressional Bank Sponsors Leading Minds Forum
We would like to thank Congressional Bank for their generous $1,000 sponsorship of BCP's 2012 Leading Minds Forum, How to Evaluate and Support Great Teachers, to be held on September 27, 2012 at Loyola University Maryland.
Congressional Bank is a community bank serving the greater Washington, DC area. For more information visit:
Thursday, July 5, 2012
MICA Community Arts Collaborative at Wolfe Street Academy
Wolfe Street Academy has been accepted into the Maryland Institute College of Art's (MICA) 2012-2013 Community Arts Collaborative (CAC). The program will place a talented community artist at Wolfe Street for a year-long residency.
Created in 2004, CAC is the only program of its kind in Maryland that links artists, communities, and institutions of higher education. Housed in the Office of Community Engagement at MICA, this program places community artists in year-long residencies with nonprofits, schools, and community centers in Baltimore City. The work of CAC member artists provides children, youth, and adults with the benefits of after-school arts-based learning experiences and strengthens neighborhoods through community art projects.
For more information visit:
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Sun Op-Ed on School Evalutions by Muriel Berkeley
Read today's Baltimore Sun op-ed by BCP President Muriel Berkeley, School evaluations are valuable, at:,0,1836170.story,0,1836170.story
Friday, June 22, 2012
Laura Doherty Named President of Baltimore Curriculum Project
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New BCP President Laura Doherty |
Doherty succeeds the organization's President and Founder Dr. Muriel Berkeley, who is stepping down after 17 years. Berkeley will remain actively involved with BCP during the 2012/2013 school year.
"We are delighted to have found a successor to Muriel who knows the Baltimore Curriculum Project inside and out and who shares our goals and vision," said BCP Board Chair George Hess.
"Laura is one of the nation's leading experts on effective instruction and has demonstrated her commitment to BCP's mission through years of dedicated service."
Doherty became interested in teaching at an early age. Her mother was a special education teacher and Doherty grew up hearing and adopting the philosophy that anyone can be taught to read. In 1994 she began teaching, and eventually consulting, in the Chicago Public Schools.
From 1996-1997, Doherty served as Headmaster and teacher at the Baraka School, an innovative boarding school in Kenya, Africa, for at-risk boys from Baltimore City. Coincidentally, one of her students and mentees from that school now serves as a paraeducator at City Springs Elementary/Middle School, where Doherty serves as a consultant.
Since 1998 Doherty has worked as a trainer for the Association for Direct Instruction (ADI) and has been invited to speak at the ADI national conference every year. She has trained both new and experienced Direct Instruction teachers around the country in reading, math, comprehension, and writing.
As a National Institute for Direct Instruction (NIFDI) consultant working with the Baltimore Curriculum Project since 1997, Doherty has led and managed all aspects of the Direct Instruction implementation for reading, math, writing, spelling, and US History in three BCP neighborhood charter schools. She has supported BCP's successful efforts to improve education for Baltimore City students through curriculum implementation, teacher training, in-class coaching, and data analysis.
"Having worked closely with Muriel for 15 years, I am honored and excited to be able to carry on her great work with Baltimore City schools," said Doherty.
Dr. Muriel Berkeley founded BCP in 1996 to provide Baltimore City schools with effective curriculum, teacher training, and management support. Under her leadership the organization has grown from a technical assistance provider into one of the largest charter management organizations in Maryland.
The Baltimore Curriculum Project Board of Directors' Presidential Search Committee, chaired by Anne S. Perkins, selected Doherty after a comprehensive, 3-month national search. Doherty was approved by a unanimous vote of the Board of Directors.
"I am confident that Laura has the passion, drive, and expertise to carry out our vital work to provide all children with the tools they need for success," said Berkeley.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Hampstead Hill Students Demonstrate Impressive Research/Presentation Skills
On Friday May 18th, Hampstead Hill Academy students in Elizabeth Bernstein's 7th grade history class presented their European Geography/Conflict projects in a unique small group format that provided quality time for students to present, discuss, and interact with each other under the supervision of an adult facilitator.
Hampstead Hill Academy Director of Enrichment Laura Moyers recruited guest facilitators for each group. These facilitators, including Baltimore Curriculum Project Director of Students Support Services Jeff Krick, worked with groups of 4-5 students and used a rubric to score the presentations; help guide the discussion; and provide important feedback to each presenter.
This format was used to create a meaningful experience for the students; giving them an authentic forum for showing and describing all aspects of their work.
"I enjoyed my group’s presentations and was impressed with their ability to elaborate on details of their country and conflict when asked, said Mr. Krick.
"I was impressed with their answers to my questions about researching online and how they not only knew that Wikipedia was not the most reliable source, but that they needed to find enough sources to establish a level of understanding for evaluating any contradictory sources."
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Monday, May 14, 2012
Hampstead Hill Academy Career Fair 2012
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Eighth Graders James Wells and Julia Hohman speak with Dental Hygienist Marie Wingfield |
Thank you to everyone who made the 5th Annual Career Fair at Hampstead Hill Academy a success. Representatives from a variety of businesses volunteered to speak with fifth through eighth graders about their future careers. Guests included:
- Coretta Bennett, Turner Construction
- Jennifer Bresett, Forensic Serologist, Baltimore Police Department
- Alexander Brice, Turner Construction
- Clifton W. Carter, HEM - Industrial Hygienist, Office of Environmental Safety, Department of Health, Safety and Environment, Johns Hopkins Medicine
- Edie Cimino, Assistant Public Defender, Maryland Office of the Public Defender, and Yoga Instructor
- Alex Chojinaki, Manager, Chick-fil-A
- Kelly Connelly, Photographer; Marketing and Communications Manager, Healthy Teen Network; and Publisher,
- John Enny, Community Liaison, Baltimore Red Line
- Lars Johanson, Engineer, Booz Allen Hamilton
- Robert Julius, M&T Bank
- Erika Kinney, Director of Human Resources and Operations at Brookes Publishing Company
- Matthew Lesko, Senior Software Engineer, PayPal
- Kate Lewis, Assistant General Manager, Residence Inn by Marriott Arundel Mills BWI Airport
- Jamie Lutz, Restaurant Marketing Director, Chick-fil-A
- Jillian Marcum, Marketing Director, FutureCare
- Sarah Marquardt, Associate, Whiteford Taylor & Preston LLP
- James Moore, Director of Operations, Chick-fil-A
- Rachel Myrowitz, Community Liaison, Baltimore Red Line
- Officer Rosa Ramirez, Senior Liaison Officer, Southeastern District, Baltimore Police Department
- Amber Rohleder, Hair Stylist, Studio 921 Salon & Day Spa
- David Ross, Computer Technician
- Nicole Soistman, Veterinary Technician, Eastern Animal Hospital
- Officer Lynea Wiley, Neighborhood Services Office, Southeastern District, Baltimore Police Department
- Marie Wingfield, Dental Hygienist
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Hampstead Hill Academy May 2012 Newsletter
Read Hampstead Hill Academy's May 2012 newsletter at:
This edition features:
This edition features:
- Mission and Vision Statement for HHA
- Performance Plan Meeting
- Information on Early Release Day/Parent Teacher Conferences
- Principal's List and Honor Roll for 3rd Quarter
- Renaissance Award
- News from the Teams and Much More in the May Newsletter!
Saturday, May 12, 2012
WOLFEST on Saturday May 12th
Looking for something fun to do with the family today? Check out WOLFEST, Wolfe Street Academy's annual street festival from 12:00 PM until 4:00 PM on Gough Street between S. Wolfe and Washington Streets, immediately adjacent to the school.
- 12:00pm -1:00pm - Greetings and formal student performances
- 1:30pm - Talent Show
- 2:30pm - Performance by Native American dancers (including a WSA parent)
- 3:15pm - Cream the Principal (our students' favorite activity)
Latin American and festival food will be for sale, and there will be many crafts tables, inflatables and other activities for kids. All proceeds go to support the WSA Parent/Teacher Organization. Please join us!
Friday, May 11, 2012
Collington Square Students Perform for School Board
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Collington Square Students and Teachers Perform for School Board |
On April 24, 2012 Collington Square Elementary/Middle School's resource team attended the Baltimore City School Board Meeting with four middle grades students: Jaichaun Diggs, Shandierra Trafton, Sky Keller, and Stasia Johns. The students performed Collington Square's school song, “One Day," which was written by instrumental music teacher Mr. Soto.
The girls did an outstanding job of singing the school song. They were accompanied by Mr. Soto on acoustic guitar and Mr. Dorsey on electric guitar.
Before the performance began, Board Chair Neil Duke joked: "I'm noting that you've given us the lyrics, but I'm supposing that's not an invitation for this Board to join along in the chorus."
When Collington Visual Arts Teacher Laura Bevacqua invited the Board to sing along, Mr. Duke replied: "Our instruments are very fragile."
During the performance, the school board members enjoyed a slide show of all the wonderful programming the resource team provides for students to build self-esteem and get them moving in the right direction with the arts. The board members clearly enjoyed the performance - singing along, tapping their feet, and moving with the music.
"I can honestly say in the six or so years I've been on this Board, I don't think I've ever been so serenaded at a public meeting," said Mr. Duke.
"The bar is very high now for any other singing groups who come before this Board"
Board Commissioner Tina Hike-Hubbard also expressed her enjoyment of the performance: "I just want to say thank you. That was amazing. I love to see your school pride that you have... So, thank you for having the courage. You all are so nervous but you sound so beautiful that I just thank you for the courage to come and stand here and sing. Thank you."
- Laura Bevacqua
View a video of the student presentation at:
In the video player, select the video entitled: Art Programs - 4-24-2012 School Board Meeting
Collington Square May 2012 Newsletter
Read Collington Square Elementary/Middle School's May 2012 Newsletter at:
This edition features:
- Middle Grades Students Perform School Song for School Board
- A Note from the Language Arts Educational Associate
- Middle Grades Students Visit Adventure Zone
- A Message from the Math Educational Associate
- Updates from the PreK-2nd Team
- Thank You to Parent Volunteers
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Collington's Black History Month Quilting Project
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Anthony Battle & Aaron Trafton, Jr. - Ms. Chambers, 3rd Grade |
In addition to being a skilled quilter, Ms. Tate is also the grandmother of Collington student Melvin McDaniel. Ms. Tate taught the students how to make a straight stitch and demonstrated the square stitch and ruffles. The finished quilt is displayed across the hall from Collington's main office.
Below is an interview the students conducted with Ms. Tate about the Black History Quilting Project.
How did you learn to crochet?
I learned to crochet by practicing and teaching myself; not giving up!
At what age did you learn to crochet?
I was 16 years old
Where do you get your supplies?
I get my supplies from stores like Wal-Mart. You can find the needles in the Dollar Stores, Wal-Mart or Kmart.
Do you like to crochet?
Yes, very much so. It helps me stay busy during the day and make beautiful pieces for people I love.
What’s the difference between knitting and crocheting?
I was 16 years old
Where do you get your supplies?
I get my supplies from stores like Wal-Mart. You can find the needles in the Dollar Stores, Wal-Mart or Kmart.
Do you like to crochet?
Yes, very much so. It helps me stay busy during the day and make beautiful pieces for people I love.
What’s the difference between knitting and crocheting?
The difference between Knitting and Crocheting is knitting uses two needles and there are different stitches with each of the needles. Crocheting uses one needle.
Do you follow a pattern?
No, I don’t follow a pattern. I create my designs.
Do you buy hats, scarves or sweaters from the store?
No, I don’t buy hats or scarves from the store. It’s more exciting to make my own.
Can you crochet a sweater?
No, I haven’t tried a sweater yet. I can do blankets, scarves and mittens.
Do you follow a pattern?
No, I don’t follow a pattern. I create my designs.
Do you buy hats, scarves or sweaters from the store?
No, I don’t buy hats or scarves from the store. It’s more exciting to make my own.
Can you crochet a sweater?
No, I haven’t tried a sweater yet. I can do blankets, scarves and mittens.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
BCP Featured as SOURCE Partner of the Month
BCP has been selected as SOURCE's Partner of the Month for May 2012. SOURCE (Student Outreach Resource Center) is the community service and
service-learning center for the Johns Hopkins University Schools of
Medicine, Nursing and Public Health.
We would like to thank SOURCE for choosing BCP.
To view the May Partner of the Month webpage visit:
We would like to thank SOURCE for choosing BCP.
To view the May Partner of the Month webpage visit:
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