HHA has positioned itself as a leader in sustainability and community engagement. A student-led Green Expo will provide education about energy and water conservation and waste reduction through games, print materials, and prizes.
During the entertainment break around 7:00 pm HHA will officially dedicate a new garden mural, which was created by HHA students in partnership with the Creative Alliance.
Following the dedication, attendees will enjoy a garden art reception and have the opportunity to appreciate recent sustainable garden additions, including rain barrels and drip irrigation.
Thanks to a partnership with Waste Neutral Group, all food and paper waste from the event will be composted!
The event will take place from 5:30 until 8:00 pm, with live music starting at 6:00 pm. The mural dedication will occur around 7:00 pm. For more information, contact Chrissa Carlson at chrissacarlson@gmail.com.