Friday, July 25, 2008

Baltimore Ravens Plan in Motion

The Baltimore Ravens All Community Team Foundation (RACTF) has awarded City Springs School and Collington Square School grants of $5,000 each to promote physical fitness. The grants will support the after-school Karate program at City Springs and volleyball, basketball, and soccer at Collington Square.

This year the Ravens’ Plan in Motion project has provided nearly $100,000 in grants to 23 nonprofit organizations in the Baltimore metropolitan area. RACTF is dedicated to improving and facilitating the healthy development of youth in Baltimore and throughout the state of Maryland.

Childhood obesity is on the rise and inactivity among the nation’s youth is a great concern. This grant program, in its second year, has been designed to encourage healthy youth activities and promote the importance of nutrition and exercise for children.

For more information on the Ravens ACT Foundation or the Ravens’ Plan In Motion project, visit

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Accenture Partners with BCP

Accenture has volunteered to help BCP with its organizational development through Project "Impact."

In an effort to “Impact lives” BCP and Accenture will embark on project to better organize and recommend a strategy for BCP that allows them to more efficiently and effectively achieve their goal to better serve and increase the outcomes of the underprivileged youth in Baltimore City and measure those results.

Accenture is a global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company. Combining unparalleled experience, comprehensive capabilities across all industries and business functions, and extensive research on the world's most successful companies, Accenture collaborates with clients to help them become high-performance businesses and governments.

We would like to thank the Accenture consultants who have so generously volunteered their time and expertise:
  • Vanessa Godshalk - Senior Executive Sponsor
  • Matt Sitek - Project Manager
  • Megan O’Keefe - Balanced Scorecard Developer
  • Brittany Normand - Organization Design Developer
  • Christine Ambrose - Balanced Scorecard Developer